5 Sustainable Lifestyle Bloggers To Follow in 2020

For the past year and a half, I have been following these sustainable lifestyle bloggers/vloggers and I have to say, a lot of what I know about the industry comes from them. They have really shown dedication to the #slowfashion movement and made me want to be a part of it as well. If you haven’t read about my own journey with slow fashion click here!

Here we go (in no specific order):

Cat, Restitchstance

Cat gives me big slow fashion inspiration all the time. Her outfits are incredibly put together, cute, and most importantly, sustainable. I also really love her cats.

Jazmine, That Curly Top

Jazmine introduces me to a lot of different sustainable brands I don’t usually hear anywhere else. I love her “Did I Thrift It?” IG story series. She reminds me that you never really know what gems you’ll find at the thrift store.

Lauren, Trash Is For Tossers & Package Free Shop

A few years ago, I watched a video about Lauren’s zero waste movement and it inspired me to change my ways when it came to my own waste. Her passion for zero waste inspired her to start her own brand, Package Free; where you guessed it, everything is package-free. I’ve ordered a couple of things from it and can’t wait to order more.

Megan, Acteevism

This is probably one of the most informative sustainable fashion bloggers I follow. She is constantly questioning the greenwashing that companies are doing and calling them out. Not to mention that she recently graduated with her M.S. in Global Supply Chain Management!

Ashley, bestdressed

Ashley is currently my favorite YouTuber at the moment. Her videos are exactly how I’d picture my Youtube videos to be if I was ever that talented in the video editing department. At times she promotes some fast fashion brands, but I get it; living is expensive and we all need money to pay the bills. It makes me incredibly happy though that someone in the YouTube world seems to give a crap, so big shoutout to Ashely aka bestdresssed. Not to mention she even has her own resale shop! Something I’m trying to start myself this year. Stay tuned for that!


Thank you so much for reading!

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