Life Update: Part 2

Hey, everyone! First off, thank you for being here. I don’t want to list any excuses as to why I haven’t been writing, but just know I never forgot about this blog or any of you! I appreciate every single person that has ever told me that they read my blog or have given me any constructive criticism (ya girl ain’t perfect).

Let us backtrack for a little bit because I don’t think I ever wrote about my experience with cutting out fast fashion from my life. For the longest time I thought I wanted to blog about clothes, but then I learned the ugly truth about the fashion industry (which I will talk about in a future blog post). If anything, I think me attempting to become a fashion blogger was a real eye-opener about not only my clothes consumption but also everyone elses. I realized I couldn’t just blog about cute clothes; it needed to be something more meaningful.

If you’ve read some of my most recent blog posts, you’d see that I’m doing just that; writing about topics that matter (at least to me) and that I’m very passionate about this new way of life. Just know that I’m back and that I’m more ready than ever to share everything that I’ve learned this past year in my transition to being a more conscious consumer. Let me know what you’d like to see more of on here. I’m always open to suggestions.

I love you all and can’t wait to start creating more meaningful content! This world needs it right now.

Stay rad,


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